Down in the Dumpster: A Garbage Removal Blog

The Benefits Of Renting A Roll-Off Dumpster

If you own a business that provides home cleanout services and you have been hauling trash in pickup trucks to bring it to the dump, you may want to reconsider a roll-off dumpster rental whenever a job comes around. There are several benefits to be obtained with a dumpster rental to keep in mind.

No Need For Trash Compression Or Far Hauling

A roll-off dumpster is dropped off by a rental service in the exact location that you specify. Position the dumpster near the main entryway to the home so you can bring items out to the container quickly without having to use a lot of steps to do so. When placing items inside of the container, there is no need to compress them beforehand so you have enough space for the items you need to remove from the household. Roll-off dumpsters are large and you can alert the service about the square footage of the home so the company can make a recommendation regarding the right size for your needs.

Stay Safe While You Work

A roll-off dumpster contains trash in a receptacle with high sides. This is much safer than stacking up trash that you need to move to a pickup truck or another vehicle to bring to a dump. There is a much lower chance of becoming injured by sharp objects or protruding edges as the refuse is safely contained rather than being kept in piles or in the bed of a truck where the sides are relatively low. This allows you and your staff members to work efficiently without worrying about stepping upon or near an item that could cause an injury.

Less Worry About An Insurance Claim

When you rent a roll-off dumpster, you are doing your part in keeping the property free of damage. No large items are being placed in an area where they can ruin landscaping. There is no worry about shards of glass being left behind in a spot where people may walk upon it. All items are kept away from people and pets, minimizing the risk of injury.

Place All Types Of Items In A Roll-Off Dumpster

When you bring items to a junkyard or recycling center, you are responsible for separating items by type. With a roll-off dumpster, however, all items can be placed into the container rather than separated at all. Roll-off dumpster services only require that items deemed to be hazardous, such as car batteries, chemicals, or flammable materials, are kept out of the container altogether. With the versatility factor, you can get homes cleaned out swiftly, thereby increasing your profit margin.